What America wants is not for us to go and fight but stop those among us that are trying to destroy the same freedom we enjoy. Is that too much to ask?
Come on people - It is obvious that we are sadly divided into tribal groups. Everyone belongs to a clan and most likely clans don't trust each other, for whatever the reason. But when it comes to our common interest - be part of a larger American community with civic responsibility- Shouldn't we take serious for that responsibility to get rid of the bad apples that are recruiting our youth to become murders?
Those elements among us are not doing us a favor! If they harm America, the same country that did so much for us, they are hurting us. They are hurting the future of our children. Our name is dragged and associated with the enemies of the state.
If we have complained in the past that the Bush administration had an agenda to repress Muslims wherever they are, here or abroad, what do we have to say now that the new administration is willing to dialogue? Don't you get it? This is our country as much as it is the white Minnesotan's or the Midwestern citizen's next door.
Let us put our political differences on how to run Somalia and which clan should get what resources (if there is any at all) aside and focus on what is important here. USA is our home that gave us second chance to be whoever we would like to be and it deserves better.
Our freedom we enjoy is not free! People had died to achieve it and people are dying to keep it as we speak. All we have to do is to clean our conscious and take those bad apples out of the community. We need a serious house cleaning!