This argument was (again) in part of a debate I read and heard in this weekend. A heated discussion took us in a roller coaster off topic longer then usual Somali way of exchanging ideas with passion and counter argument with vengeance. The forum of the debate was mainly secret and exclusive members only email group that has a somewhat forwarded and clear name of "Sons of Somaliland" but usually go by (among themselves) "Concerned to Prevent" or "Almost Genocide".
The group mostly debate about the current political, social and economic situation of
After going through the motions, it is time to open the forum for discussion. Because of the timing and the news coming out of
Several News agencies reports about the subject were posted. One of the headlines read in Somali "Madaxtooyada Somaliland oo looga debbaal degay 26 Juun markii u horraysay in ka badan 17 sannadood." Basicly that Somaliland President allowed the celebration of the 26 June for the first time in more then 17 years in the Presidential Palace.
Within minutes you can feel the reaction of some people. This subject has touched the nerve or the core existence of this secret association. Even though the debate was about the 26 June, the current Somaliland Administration and UCID Party of Somaliland that had, also, hosted similar celebration event for the day in question, received the wrath of the majority of the members.
The President and the UCID Party were accused of confusing the population by resurrecting June 26 Day to diminish the importance of May 18 (The contemporary Somaliland Day). Both were criticized for not having clear objectives and obvious message to
The direction this dialogue was going was very concerned to the current discussion mediators. Because this particular group (in their Bylaws) has already agreed to put aside any partisan and personal political issues, they were worried that the fervor may exacerbate to uncontrollable different level that is contrary to the objective of the group. The Mediators have tried to steer the discussion from blame to solution. They have eventually succeeded to reach an agreement on points to follow up with assigned team. But boy, this has opened a Pandora Box.
The fragility of the Somaliland Political Institutions that can't withstand the political manipulation by the current administration and some what less intense but equal out come by UCID party was clear to all members. The question that disturbed the emotions of those participants was; is there a new Pan Somalism Sentiment that would disrupt the lives of Somalilanders and would have the muscle to threaten the State itself?
No one had the real answer and for the next month and so every member will still ponder the question until they do their own research or get the report back from the team assigned to do so. But the reality is that the politicians from
The way this group is organized, funded and managed is beyond my wildest imaginations. Somalis usually love to talk with less action, but this group and their secretive below the radar activities is what had amazed me personally. Writing this about them would, I'm sure, damage my relationship with them. it would also result limited access to the participation of their most sensitive discussions in the future. But, hey, who could resist sharing such an interesting piece of information with his audience.
Enough said about the group, what about the rest of the Somali people? Is 26 June relevant to today's political climate? What would Somalis gain/loose if they totally forget about 26 June? How would this affect the patriotism sentiment and or nationalists' feeling? And most of all;
Is Pan Somalism dead or a threat to
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