Fikirka Xora ah (USA) - The news for the arrest of the notorious mass murderer, the architect of Sreprenica genocide and ultra nationalist Mr. Kradzic has brought some sort of comfort to many still waiting justice Bosnians.
Some of them have already given up the idea that European led justice system would have the strength to muscle Serbia to give up Kradzic. But the condition to force Serbia to cough up Kradzic or forget about joining the European Union has proven to be difficult choice for Belgrade leadership.
After seeing how other former Eastern Block states economic situation has changed dramatically upon becoming EU members, the new pragmatic Serbian government has realized the need to change course and have chosen to be part of the new world. It was reported that as soon as he is sworn, the new prime minister has ordered the arrest of Kradzic and others that were accused of crimes and wanted by the Hague.
A senior Serbian officer close to the Prime Minister's Office that wished not to be identified confirmed to the media the main reason behind the government's quick action to arrest Kradzik is to be their desire to improve relations with Europe and pave the way for talks of future EU membership.
He said that his government has seeing how some of his neighboring countries are already more prosperous with access to not only rich markets and purchasing powers, but their unemployed citizens found jobs and generated income. Thus, he said, "that increased revenues for these countries to invest social programs such as health care, education and infrastructure." Well, then the choice was obvious; Kradzic is not worth the trouble of loosing all those economic incentives.
Some news organizations have also speculated that to soften its image, Belgrade would like the world to see it as a moderate emerging democracy, contrary to the hardliner predecessors, in order to boost the diplomatic credit. Their efforts to gain more respect and heal the past may have also influenced the government's decision to extradite Mr. Kradzic.
The world has accused Serbia for harboring many war crime fugitives and the arrest of Kradzic is a step forward. But if Belgrade wants to improve relations with the Muslim world, it must round up the other high profile Bosnian war crimes officials that are hiding in its backyard.
The Kradzic's arrest has reminded Somalis their war criminals at large. "Each time news about war crimes is in the headlines", said a Somali expatriate living in USA sighting the Kradzic's arrest, " I'm reminded how oblivious my people are about the need to bring justice to the heads of the regime that killed thousands of innocent people ." He explained his believes that how Somali people will never get stability until they deal with the question of war crimes.
"I'm not convinced that Somali people will ever trust each other and can even have an honest dialogue about their future as long as some of them are protecting those who had killed thousands of innocent people, there must be a justice for the innocent victims", he added.
The French government vowed to get involved with the 'Somali affairs" by opening human rights and war crimes office in Paris, and to help fight the pirates, this week. This may be a glimpse of hope for millions of Somalis that have, for the last two decades, longed for justice.
President Sarkozy brought new momentum and energy to EU and wants to leave a legacy that actually produces results. Since he is controversial politician that is not satisfied with the diplomacy, business as usual politiking, he may surprise us to help Somalis bring war crimes to long overdue justice. But that is if and only if Somalis are willing to work together to heal the wounds of the past and pave the way for future coexistence.
Will any Somali war criminal ever be hold accountable? Who is a war crime in the eyes of a Somali person? how long would tribes and clan politics protect someone that committed crimes against humanity? What would be acceptable form of dealing with this nightmare?