Thursday, November 13, 2008

USA: Obama Wins Election; McCain Loses as Bush Legacy Is Rejected

Fikirka Xorta ah - Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States on Tuesday, sweeping away the last racial barrier in American politics with ease as the country chose him as its first black chief executive.

Mr. Obama’s election amounted to a national catharsis — a repudiation of a historically unpopular Republican president and his economic and foreign policies, and an embrace of Mr. Obama’s call for a change in the direction and the tone of the country. But it was just as much a strikingly symbolic moment in the evolution of the nation’s fraught racial history, a breakthrough that would have seemed unthinkable just two years ago.

Click the here to read full article

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

TAARIIKH LA YAAB LEH: Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Ethiopia oo maanta barlamaanka KMG ah shir guddoon u noqday ajendahana gacanta ku hayay!

Fikirka Xorta ah - October 2004 Afar sano ayaa laga joogaa maalintii Cabdilahi Yusuf loo magacaabay Madaxweynaha KuMeel Gaadhka ah. Waxa sanadahaas dhacay isbeddel weyn oo aan la qiyaasi karin.

Waa taariikh la xuso oo saamayn ku yeelan doonta nolosha Somalida Geeska Afrika deggan. Waxanay tahay mid daba socota muddo laba sano ka hor markii DKMG ahi ciidamada Ethiopia u oggolaatay inay xoog ku soo galaan dalka Somaliya.

Waxay ahayd mid uu col. Cabdilahi Yusuf khasab barlamaankiisa kaga dhigay in ciidamada Ethiopia yimaaddaan dalka loo igmaday ee Somalia. Isagoo og cadaawadda soo jireenka ah ee Somalida iyo Amxaarada qarniyo ka dhexeysay. Isagoo og caadifadda dadka Somalidu halkay gaadhay oo markii hore xitaa barlamaankiisu gacanta isula tegay markii arrintani dhex timi.

Ayaa lagu dirqiyay in Barlamaanka Baydhabo fadhiya ay ku dhawaaaan in Ethiopia ciidamdeedu Somaliya yimaaaddaan.. Waxa kala qaybsamay xubnihii meesha joogay iyagoo qaarkood ku biiray mucaaradka fadhiisinkoodu yahay dalka Eritrea.

Iyadoo la ogyahay dhibka ay ciidmadaasi shacabka Somalida u geysteen ayaa maanta ay dhacday qiso la yaab leh.

Waxa loo yeedhay dhammaan xubnaha Barlamaanka Ku Meel Gaadhka ah, Col. Cabdilahi Yusuf, iyo Nuur Cadde. Waxa lagu shiriyay maglaada Nairobi. Waxa shirka qabtay oo magaca IGAD ku hoggaaminayay waa dawladda Ethiopia.

Haddaba waxa beryhanba ay dawladda Ethiopia shaacinaysay waxay ugu yeedhay, "inaanay ku faraxsanayn habka ay hoggaanka sare ee KMG ahi ay waddanka u maamulayaan.", Iyagoo u jeeda in aanay rabin in Col. Cabdillahi Yusuf meesha sii joogo. Waxay caddeeyeen in aanay Somaliya nabadgelyo xumi ka jirin ee uu maamul xumo ka jiro.

Iyagoo taa ka tixraacaya isla markaana ay muuqato inay awoodda gacanta ku hayaan, ayaa waxa maanta markhaati loo ahaa in Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Ethiopia Seyoum Mefsin shir guddoon ka noqado ajandahana u qabto barlamaan dal madax bannaan. Isagoo weliba soo xulay ama oggolaaday cidda hadlaysa iyo cidda aan hadlayn.

Si kasta oo barlamaan ama ay dawladi maqaarsaar u tahay, lama arag dal sidan oo kale loogu amar ku taagleeyo. Taasi waxay ku tusaysaa in ay laba arrimood xaqiiq yihiin:

1. Barlamaanka Iyo dawladda DKMG ee afarta sano sheeganaysay inay yihiin dad madax bannaan oo dal maamula inay caddaatay inaanay ahayn sidaas ee ay tahay kuwo la yidhaa Shimbirayahow Heesa markii la doono.

2. Dawladaha dunidu waxay aaminsanyihiin in Ethiopia tahay dalka Geeska Africa ugu xoogga badan oo markaa faraha looga qaado sidii ay u maamulan lahayd ama la siiyay mashruuca dib u dejinta Somaliya oo ay siday doonto ka yeesho.

Waxa nasiib darro ah in Cabdilahi Yusuf oo nabsi badan iyo godob soo jiitay oo cadawgii Somaliya dad aan waxba galabsan ku garaacay, in uu maanta sidii xanjo macaankii laga dhamaystay oo la tufay noqday.

Markii uu maanta ka cadhooday shirka oo marka hore inta isaga albaabada loo xidhay muddo saacado ah lagula hadlayay ayay caddaatay inuu magac u yaal ahaa oo ay Ethiopia ka gaadhay ujeeddadii ay lahayd.

Waxana ay tani tahay sharaf dhac in Somali maanta mar labaad Ethiopia ku tuuntuunsato. Iyadoo la sheegay in Col. Cabdillahi Yusuf hadda damacsan yahay midda qudha ah ee u bannaan oo ah:

In ay Puntland ku dhawaaqdo dal madax bannaan oo ka goostay Somaliya inteedii kale. Fikraddaas oo beryahanba la sheegay in isaga iyo Cadde Muuse ay go'aankeeda ka hadlayeen.

Ma filaysaa in la soo gaadhay xilligay Somaliland arrimaha Somaliya wax ka qaban lahayd?

Fikirka Xorta ah - Waxa in badan soo jirtay siyaasad guud oo dalka Somaliland lagu dhaqo oo ah, "Arrimaha deriska yaan la faragelin ee ha la is ilaaliyo". Maaha mid fikir dheer iyo falan qayn ka dhalatay, laakiin waxay ka timi is badbaadin shacabku ku dhiiradeen dawladdana lagu khasbay inay doonista shacabka raacdo.

Laakiin isbeddelka ka dhacaya gobolka awgeed, ma laga yaabaa inay dani ugu jirto in Somaliland ay arrimaha Somaliya fara geliso oo si toos ah wax uga qabato? Dani ma ugu jirtaa Maxaase ka soo gaadhi kara? Hadday damacdo inay dhexgasho maxaa ku habboon inay qabato am dhinacee bay ka bilaabi kartaa?

In badan baan aaminsanaa in arrinta gobolka nabadgelyo laga helayo haddii la is uruuriyo oo iridaha xuduudda la adkeeyo. Waxay ahayd rayi soo shaqeeyey oo badbaadiyay dalka. Waa mid weli ay dad badani aaminsan yihiin. Laakiin markaad eegto siyaasadda cakiran ee Somaliya ee i jiid aan ku jiidee ku salaysan. Markaad u fiirsato in dawladda Somaliland ay ku egtahay arrimaha gudaha oo aanay aragti dhaafsan, "Nimankaa walaalahayo ha heshiiyaan, annagana hana daayaan", mooyee inaanay istaraatijiyad kale hayn. Taasoo aan haba yaraatee waxba ka beddelin aqoonsiga Somaliland. Malaha waxa habboon in Somaliland ay tallaabo toos ah qaaddo.

Waan garan karnaa in marka hore la furo dood ku saabsan saamaynta ay yeelan karto faragelin toos ahi. Waa mid la shaandhayn karo dadkuna u leeyahay garasho lagu gorfeeyo. Waxase jirta in wakhtigu yahay cidhiidhi ah.

Waxad aragtaa in maamulkii lagu soo dhisay Nairobi ee TFG wakhtigiisu gabaabsi yahay. Oo dawladda Ethiopia iyo kuwa kale ee taageeri jiray ay ku hadaaqayaan in Cabdilahi Yusuf la beddelo, barlamaankuna soo doorto madaxweyne iyo dawlad hore leh oo wakhti dheeraad ah loo kordhiyay. Inkastoo aan lagu dhawaaqin haddana waa sida ay u badan tahay.

Waxad aragtaa in shirka Djibouti yahay mid cakiran oo maalin walba warqad yar lagu saxeexo oo aan ilko lagu socodsiiyo lahayn. Arrintuna ay ka gurracan tahay laba dhinac oo hotel isa soo hor fadhiista oon awoodda ay sheeganayaan iyo cidday metelaan toona aanay jirin.

Haddaba sidii Madaxweyne Cigaal, (AHN), uu ku dhawaaqay sannadkii 2000 intaanu Ismacil Cumar Geelle kala hoos bixin, miyaanay habboonayn in maamulka Somaliland ee soo socdaa doorashada dabadeed uu siyaasadda dalka ee gobolka ku wajahan jiho kale u dhaqaajiyo?

Waxay xaqiiqadu tahay in Somaliland kuwa maanta gacanta ku hayaa iyo shacbiga badan kiisuba aanay weli u bislayn culays intaa le'eg oo khatar tiisa leh. Waxase hoggaanka geesinimada lihi sameeyaa arrin aan hore looga baran oo maskax, muruq iyo maalba loo huray si hore halkan looga maro. Oo bal dadkahinic uun loo dhaqaajiyo.

Waxay aqoon yahan badani saadaaliyaan xaaladda dalka iyo guud ahaan gobolka. Waxana hadda cad in ay badan koodu isku raacsan yihiin in la soo gaadhay sidii khatarta qaxootiga faraha badan ee daka ku sugan oo dhaqankii dalka iyo dhaqaalihiiba miisaan ku haya loogu celin lahaa dalkoodii Somaliya.

Waxana talo fiican ah in madaxda dambe ee Somalililand oo lug ku yeesha siyaasadda gudaha ee Somaliya ay tahay mid hagaajin karta jaaniska ay Somaliland aqoonsi ku heli lahayd. Deggenaansho ku gaadhi lahayd. Iyagoo laba maamul oo isfahamsani si wadajir ah ama isku mid ah looga wada shaqayn karo ciddii cadaw guud ah ee labada dal degenaanshahooda halis gelin kara.

Haddaba maamulka dambe waa inuu u sameeyo ama magacaabaa guddi aqoon fiican u leh oo isku dhafan oo arrintan talo degdeg ah ka soo jeedisa. Waxana weliba ka si fiican in uu u qabto inay muddo bil ah fikir cusub ku keenaan.

Haddii kale, magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Somaliland, haddii aay xitaa nabadda maantu tahay mid sidan ku socota, waxa degenaan shahooda halis gelin kara, marka wax kale laga yimaaddo, culayska dheeraadka ah ee ay dadka qaxootiga ahi ku hayaan. Taasoo sidaad qoraalkan Qaramada Midoobay ka ragto (halkan booqo) ay ku soo qulqulayaan kumannaan kale oo ka soo firxaday colaadda dalkooda ka taaga. Waxana hubaal ah in cadaw badani ku soo dhex dhuuman karo. Gilgili karona dalkan la dhadhabayo ee aan weli xiddidada adkaysan.

Markaa waxa soo socda in la garto oo aragti dheeraad ah iyo fikir cusub la keeno waa mid laga filayo maamulka dambe ee Somaliland.

Maxay kula tahay? Bal aragtidaada cabbir?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

EU may arrest other Kradzic like war criminals if French's pledge materializes

Fikirka Xora ah (USA) - The news for the arrest of the notorious mass murderer, the architect of Sreprenica genocide and ultra nationalist Mr. Kradzic has brought some sort of comfort to many still waiting justice Bosnians.

Some of them have already given up the idea that European led justice system would have the strength to muscle Serbia to give up Kradzic. But the condition to force Serbia to cough up Kradzic or forget about joining the European Union has proven to be difficult choice for Belgrade leadership.

After seeing how other former Eastern Block states economic situation has changed dramatically upon becoming EU members, the new pragmatic Serbian government has realized the need to change course and have chosen to be part of the new world. It was reported that as soon as he is sworn, the new prime minister has ordered the arrest of Kradzic and others that were accused of crimes and wanted by the Hague.

A senior Serbian officer close to the Prime Minister's Office that wished not to be identified confirmed to the media the main reason behind the government's quick action to arrest Kradzik is to be their desire to improve relations with Europe and pave the way for talks of future EU membership.

He said that his government has seeing how some of his neighboring countries are already more prosperous with access to not only rich markets and purchasing powers, but their unemployed citizens found jobs and generated income. Thus, he said, "that increased revenues for these countries to invest social programs such as health care, education and infrastructure." Well, then the choice was obvious; Kradzic is not worth the trouble of loosing all those economic incentives.

Some news organizations have also speculated that to soften its image, Belgrade would like the world to see it as a moderate emerging democracy, contrary to the hardliner predecessors, in order to boost the diplomatic credit. Their efforts to gain more respect and heal the past may have also influenced the government's decision to extradite Mr. Kradzic.

The world has accused Serbia for harboring many war crime fugitives and the arrest of Kradzic is a step forward. But if Belgrade wants to improve relations with the Muslim world, it must round up the other high profile Bosnian war crimes officials that are hiding in its backyard.

The Kradzic's arrest has reminded Somalis their war criminals at large. "Each time news about war crimes is in the headlines", said a Somali expatriate living in USA sighting the Kradzic's arrest, " I'm reminded how oblivious my people are about the need to bring justice to the heads of the regime that killed thousands of innocent people ." He explained his believes that how Somali people will never get stability until they deal with the question of war crimes.

"I'm not convinced that Somali people will ever trust each other and can even have an honest dialogue about their future as long as some of them are protecting those who had killed thousands of innocent people, there must be a justice for the innocent victims", he added.

The French government vowed to get involved with the 'Somali affairs" by opening human rights and war crimes office in Paris, and to help fight the pirates, this week. This may be a glimpse of hope for millions of Somalis that have, for the last two decades, longed for justice.

President Sarkozy brought new momentum and energy to EU and wants to leave a legacy that actually produces results. Since he is controversial politician that is not satisfied with the diplomacy, business as usual politiking, he may surprise us to help Somalis bring war crimes to long overdue justice. But that is if and only if Somalis are willing to work together to heal the wounds of the past and pave the way for future coexistence.

Will any Somali war criminal ever be hold accountable? Who is a war crime in the eyes of a Somali person? how long would tribes and clan politics protect someone that committed crimes against humanity? What would be acceptable form of dealing with this nightmare?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Somaliland: When a culture of peace takes root

CAN you imagine a place swarming with beggars and jobless people yet just adjacent there are stalls and stalls of money in banknotes including American dollars, British pounds and so forth in the open with no policemen around to secure those stalls of money?

“This phenomenon you see is a result of the fruits in a situation where a culture of peace takes roots. People have experienced so much suffering and deprivation as a result of war and occupation that they are sub-consciously not prepared to act in a manner that would jeopardise the well-being of others,”

Makwaia wa KUHENGA is a Senior Journalist and Author recently on a visit to Somaliland. To read more, click or visit this URL :

Monday, June 30, 2008

Re-emergence of 26 June Celebration. Is there a new Pan Somalism sentiment?

Fikirka Xorta ah ( USA) - It is said many times, in so many ways that Somaliland people are not only forgiving but have the highest tolerance among the Somali Ethnic population in the East Africa/Horn of Africa.

This argument was (again) in part of a debate I read and heard in this weekend. A heated discussion took us in a roller coaster off topic longer then usual Somali way of exchanging ideas with passion and counter argument with vengeance. The forum of the debate was mainly secret and exclusive members only email group that has a somewhat forwarded and clear name of "Sons of Somaliland" but usually go by (among themselves) "Concerned to Prevent" or "Almost Genocide".

The group mostly debate about the current political, social and economic situation of Somaliland and neighboring countries. Daily topics change depending on the headlines and current events, but half of the time is usually devoted to sort through reports and researches assigned to different teams.

One particular team has just concluded their finding on a "possibility of war with Somalia" scenario that was assigned a month earlier. Policy recommendations and guidelines for the government were eloquently delivered. Separate high secret implementation points/plans that were for members only were dissected and distributed with the usual full warning (reminding the group the bonds that tie their fate together).

After going through the motions, it is time to open the forum for discussion. Because of the timing and the news coming out of Somaliland, the topic of the day was chosen to be the 26 June and most members have naturally agreed to examine and express their opinion.

Several News agencies reports about the subject were posted. One of the headlines read in Somali "Madaxtooyada Somaliland oo looga debbaal degay 26 Juun markii u horraysay in ka badan 17 sannadood." Basicly that Somaliland President allowed the celebration of the 26 June for the first time in more then 17 years in the Presidential Palace.

Within minutes you can feel the reaction of some people. This subject has touched the nerve or the core existence of this secret association. Even though the debate was about the 26 June, the current Somaliland Administration and UCID Party of Somaliland that had, also, hosted similar celebration event for the day in question, received the wrath of the majority of the members.

The President and the UCID Party were accused of confusing the population by resurrecting June 26 Day to diminish the importance of May 18 (The contemporary Somaliland Day). Both were criticized for not having clear objectives and obvious message to Somaliland people except pleasing a particular interest group that may vote for them in the next election. Kulmiye Party of Somaliland has somehow escaped the blame and got praised couple of times by some members.

The direction this dialogue was going was very concerned to the current discussion mediators. Because this particular group (in their Bylaws) has already agreed to put aside any partisan and personal political issues, they were worried that the fervor may exacerbate to uncontrollable different level that is contrary to the objective of the group. The Mediators have tried to steer the discussion from blame to solution. They have eventually succeeded to reach an agreement on points to follow up with assigned team. But boy, this has opened a Pandora Box.

The fragility of the Somaliland Political Institutions that can't withstand the political manipulation by the current administration and some what less intense but equal out come by UCID party was clear to all members. The question that disturbed the emotions of those participants was; is there a new Pan Somalism Sentiment that would disrupt the lives of Somalilanders and would have the muscle to threaten the State itself?

No one had the real answer and for the next month and so every member will still ponder the question until they do their own research or get the report back from the team assigned to do so. But the reality is that the politicians from Somalia proper as well as Somaliland ones from time to time use or evoke the subject of Somali nationalism depending on their short political gain of the year. Never knowing, or worrying about how this will play in the general population. Or even never have the clue that some nutzo/wacko but effective and right minded groups exist. Those groups may call or may not call themselves names such as "Concerned to Prevent" but they are watching politicians' moves and digesting their motives with counter measure that you would never expect from a Somali group.

The way this group is organized, funded and managed is beyond my wildest imaginations. Somalis usually love to talk with less action, but this group and their secretive below the radar activities is what had amazed me personally. Writing this about them would, I'm sure, damage my relationship with them. it would also result limited access to the participation of their most sensitive discussions in the future. But, hey, who could resist sharing such an interesting piece of information with his audience.

Enough said about the group, what about the rest of the Somali people? Is 26 June relevant to today's political climate? What would Somalis gain/loose if they totally forget about 26 June? How would this affect the patriotism sentiment and or nationalists' feeling? And most of all;
Is Pan Somalism dead or a threat to Somaliland existence? Why all of a sudden 26 June is important to some people? Share your thoughts with the readers.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

INTERVIEW - Somali pilot returns to city he refused to bomb

By Hussein Ali Nur and Guled Mohamed

HARGEISA, Somalia, June 27 (Reuters Life!) - On July 13, 1988, Somali fighter pilot Abdi Mohamed Hassan was ordered to bomb Hargeisa city as part of operations by dictator Mohamed Siad Barre to crush anti-government forces.

Hassan defied his superiors, and instead dropped his load on bare mountains close to the hilly city in north Somalia that is now capital of the breakaway region of Somaliland.

Then he crash-landed on a beach in neighbouring Djibouti after running out of fuel, handed himself in to local authorities, and eventually won asylum in Luxembourg despite Somalia's bid to bring extradite him.

Twenty years on, Hassan -- now a businessman in Luxembourg -- is back in Hargeisa for the first time, invited by the government as a guest of honour during this week's celebrations of Somaliland's independence from Britain on June 26, 1960.

"The instruction was to bomb Hargeisa city using Russian made Fab 500kg bombs," the 56 year-old father-of-four told Reuters in the city, where ruins still bear witness to the massive bombardment of 20 years ago.

"But I had already made up my mind never to drop the bombs. As a soldier, I swore to protect my people. There was no way I could hurt my own countrymen."

Now Hassan is thinking of moving back to his homeland -- either Hargeisa or Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, where he was born.

In Hargeisa, a camouflaged metal replica of Mig fighters like the one Hassan flew stands in Independence Square as a memorial to the bloodshed and terror unleashed by Barre, who was toppled in 1991.

Somaliland, a former British protectorate, won independence in 1960 just four days before Italy relinquished the south. The two territories joined together to form modern Somalia.

Inter-clan hatred ensured the union was a difficult one, and those four days in 1960 now form the legal case for Somaliland's 1991 declaration of independence.

Although it lacks international recognition, the northern enclave has held democratic elections and is relatively peaceful compared to the rest of Somalia, especially in the south.

The bespectacled and bearded Hassan is disgusted by daily violence in Mogadishu and elsewhere in the south, where Islamist insurgents are battling the Somali government and its Ethiopian military allies.

"Innocent civilians die every day in the south. I wish to urge the combatants to spare our country and people. I long for the day when peace will prevail in my beloved country," he said.

In Somaliland, Hassan is lauded for his decision 20 years ago. Peace activists gave him a certificate of appreciation.

"I am glad I did not drop those bombs here...I got a hero's welcome. I miss home and will one day return to settle in Hargeisa or Mogadishu," he said, showing the certificate. (Writing by Guled Mohamed; Edit by Matthew Jones)

To read more about the 1988 Somalia Air Force Operations in Hargeisa click this link:

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fighting Terrorism: It was enshrined in Somaliland Constitution long before 9/11

Recently, Sencil Council, a leading think-tank in the world, issued its 4th report on Somaliland and Somalia. The report mentions the facts in Somaliland.

Somaliland suffered of terrorist attacks long before 9/11, particularly after bombing of U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. UN and Foreign Aid workers were targeted by the terrorists in Somaliland. Islamic Fundamentalists bombed many sensitive areas in Somaliland including Military bases. To see the report please click this link:

UN urges breakthrough as Somalia peace talks open

DJIBOUTI (AFP) — The UN's Somalia envoy called Monday on Somalia's main political rivals to seek an end to years of bloodshed as peace talks opened Monday in Djibouti.

"I call on them to think of the terrible political, security and humanitarian crisis in their country and put all their efforts into resolving it," said envoy Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah.

His statement said he was "pleased that Somali leaders have put the wellbeing of their country and the safety of their countrymen as their priority."

The opening of the talks had been due to take place on Saturday but was delayed as some delegates had yet to arrive in Djibouti.

Ould-Abdallah has already met separately with leaders from the transitional government and the Asmara-based opposition Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS).

Ould-Abdallah will seek to build trust between the two sides, although Islamist leaders and allied hardline clans are boycotting the talks as they did in 2007 when the last attempt to reconcile the political rivals failed.

The fresh drive to bring all parties to the negotiating table comes after Nur Hassan Hussein replaced Ali Mohamed Gedi as prime minister.

The talks will be held against a backdrop of daily clashes between Islamist insurgents and Ethiopian-backed Somali government troops.

On Monday, at least three civilians were killed following an insurgent attack against an Ethiopian military convoy south of the capital Mogadishu, witnesses said.

Islamists have said they will not negotiate with the government until the Ethiopian army, which came to rescue of the embattled government in late 2006, leaves Somali soil.

The restive country has been devastated by almost uninterrupted civil conflict since the 1991 ouster of former president Mohamed Siad Barre which has defied at least a dozen peace initiatives.